
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Goodreads - see what Lorraine and Nicole are reading!

We just added a new widget on the right hand column of the blog, directly under Facebook, you will now see Goodreads (previously where Library Thing was). Goodreads will give you a list of what Lorraine and Nicole have read, click here to start looking at the list or below for more direction if you are unfamiliar with Goodreads.   

Goodreads is a social network for people who love reading. You can add books you've read, books you want to read, and what you are currently reading if you create an account of your own. However, you don't have to have an account to see what Lorraine and Nicole have read. You will see ten random books from our read shelf on the side each time you load the blog. To view all the books on our read shelf, simply click the link on the top that says Lorraine's bookshelf: read. You can sort the books by rating, or by the shelves we are creating on the left hand side including historical fiction, 100 picture books everyone should know and Wimpy-Kid read-alikes. 

We have been working to add the books that Lorraine and Nicole have read. Not all of them have been rated yet, but if they are added you can assume we would recommend them to a child in one situation or another. However, all of them are linked to our Library Catalog under the review so if you see something that looks interesting, you can click on the link to request it. If you have questions or trouble navigating Goodreads, stop by the Children's Room one day, we'll be happy to show you. 

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